Media Forms: Which advertising techniques are being used?
The trailer uses the facial expression of the characters and the music in the background to convey the narrative. Throughout the trailer there is use of meduim shots of the young boy's and girl's facial expression to the car and each other, for example when the toddler sees the car his facial expression seems to be overwhelmed by the car which would connote the car being amazing. Also the fact that a young toddler is being drawn to the car would add to the car's appeal as young children are stereotypically drawn to bright block colours whereas in this text the child is shown, through the facial expressions in the medium shots, to be drawn to the car.
The classic music in the background would connote the product to have an almost dream like quality as it would be a part of the fantasy genre. The lyric of the song which is repeated "to the wayward wind" would connote the toddler's journey being adventurous and exiciting; as he jumps out of his cot with exicitment and then drives in the car whilst waving at older people, who are walking.
The trailer consists of shock factor, however only to some extent as the text is overtly humourous. An example of this would be the toddler driving the car and surfing in the end, as the audience would clearly be aware that young children are not capable of this.
In the beginning of the trailer the long shot zooms in to the toddlers cot, as he jumps out of his cot the toddler is happy, this would connote the cot trapping the toddler, and the car being a form of escapism from what may trap the audience in life.
Representations: How is gender represented in this advertisement?
The representations of the male and female toddlers is parallel to the classic music as the ideologies of women following the men, and men being dominant, is also a classic view. The young girl is shown to be swooned by the young boy and is amazed by his car and surfing; this is a dominant representation of women in a patriarchal society.
The male toddler in the text is shown to be not only superior to the women but to the other male characters; an example of this would be when the toddler is driving on the streets and looks at the passers-by on the pavements who are all ironically men carrying their babies; this would connote the car giving the toddler status over the other men as he is driving in a big car while they walk with their children on the street.
The male toddler is also shown to be skillful, clever and adventurous; he is able to drive, he can pick up girls and he seems to be driving in different locations, first the city, then the motorway and finally in the end the beach where he is with his 'summer love'.
Although there is a clear difference between the male and female role in the advertisment, they both would represent the Aryan stereotype as they have blond hair and blue eyes. This could also connote the children being angelic and the fact that they are both wearing white would connote their innocence as toddlers.
Institution: What is communicated about the Hyundai brand and the experience it offers?
When we look at the lyric again; "to the wayward wind", this would promote the Hyundai brand as being forward thinking and futuristic; using the young generation in the advertisement, an example of this would be the voice over in the ending of the text "The Next Generation" which would connote Hyundai catering for the younger generation- it shows that they are expanding their target audience. It would also suggest that Hyundai would provide comfortable driving and many features specifically for the customer's needs.
The advertisement would promote Hyundai allowing freedom for the drivers for example when the toddler is driving on the open road, beach, the wind in the hair and also the fact that he escapes his cot.
Audience: Who is the target audience and how does the advertisement attempt to persuade this audience to buy the product?
The primary target audience is between the ages of 20 - 35 with a socio-economic class of B, C1, C2; 5the gender would be male and the psychogrpahics are egoistics.
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